Friday, 16 September 2016

Unix Box as a notebook desktop - Incomplete- To be continued soon

Onetime Jobs
add pkgsrc for remote installation master side

vi /root/.profile

export PKG_PATH=""

YouTube with audio!

After posting a link to the aforementioned NetBSD article in Reddit, a reader offered a solution in that forum (/r/NetBSD) on how to get audio working for YouTube. They said "as for audio on Firefox, it Just Works, but the default uses PulseAudio, which requires dbus running". They recommended these steps to get 'er done:

# cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/dbus /etc/rc.d/
# echo "dbus=YES" >> /etc/rc.conf
# service dbus start
more at:

pkg_add -v packagename   ###now it will work

Install following now

2-thunar but I prefer Nautilus
5-xcompmgr or transset(not required unless you need transparent window boxes)
8-obconf -Recommended to edit files manually(HowTo is Will be written down)
9-lxappearance(preferred manual modifications for GTK files- most important is to set permissions 777 or 775 on .icons .themes .config)

to set date formats in 12 clock round [conky/tint2]: ${time %I:%M:%S %p}
for date ${time %B}
for day  ${time %d}
##make sure size and width is enough for all text to be appeared. if not increase size round 400 and width around 600 approximately.

for themes and icons you must need to create .icons .themes directory in user default directory like /home/thenabx/.icons and home/thenabx/.themes
further lxappearace, obconf.

IMPORTANT: I do install gtk theme and done all configurations but gtk accepted theme but not icon-theme(struggled a lot to find what was behind so after installing evince and gthumb I had installed the following packages)

gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0.tgz              13-Jun-2016 20:54           9922kB
gnome-icon-theme-extras-2.30.1nb2.tgz    22-Jun-2016 12:47            658kB

For icons make sure you have all icon folders in /usr/pkg/share/icons.
folder pattern is totaly different from default one that's the reason gtk is not picking icons in thunar and nautilus. Arrange all folder inside specific theme as default one.

I re-installed gnome-icon-theme and gnome-icon-theme extras and the default gnome icon theme now works perfectly.  There must have been some missing or corrupted files.
Photo Viewer: nomacs or gthumb
Test Edior: vim
GUI(windows manager x11): wmfs
Graphics Editor: gimp
IRC Chat: Weechat
Network Troublleshooting: nmap
File Manager: thunar
icons: GTK2
As MSWorld: AbiWord
As MS-excel:  Gnumeric
For PDF: evince
Latex: texlive-full, or texmaker(preferred), or kile

To be continued.....

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